Why am I being asked to authorize again?

Sometimes GIF Monger requires changes in permissions and scopes in order to use parts of Slack’s eco-system. These new permissions and scopes are used to enhance the GIF Monger experience. We try to make changes like this as infrequently as possible, and undertake rigorous testing* prior to each release to ensure that we are as uninvasive as possible. Not only is your privacy a concern, but so is your user experience, and we also do not like getting a bunch of e-mails about it. It’s a bit technical, but you can read more about Slack scopes here.

Can you add captions to GIFs?

We know that captions are a desired feature, and we’d love to give it to you. The unfortunate truth is that the cost of maintaining GIF Monger would grow substantially if we were to implement this feature. The compute requirements would be exponentially higher than they currently are, and this is not a financial burden that we are able to bear at this time.

Why can’t I Monger GIFs in Slack threads?

This is a great question. If you want an answer to that, you will have to ask Slack, because we would love to be able to give you that feature. If you really do want to ask Slack, you can do that here. Tell ’em the Monger sent you.


To help even the playing field among the mongers, your gif count will be reset every month, starting on September 1st, 2024. This will occur at midnight UTC.

What is NAH?!

Nozzle Anti-cHeat, or NAH, is a system carefully planned and developed by MongerHQ** in an effort to thwart abuse in within the GIF Monger eco-system. Inspired (only in name) by the ultimate anti-cheat system named after a flow control device, NAH detects, reports, and publicly shames system abusers.

* By rigorous testing, we mean that our friends use the app a lot.
** MongerHQ is not a real thing… yet***
*** Take that with a grain of salt too